______ ♥don't stop hoping the dream come true. ALLAH is All-Hearing and All-Powerful in everything :))♥______

Saturday, May 25, 2013
hello PALAM :)
Assalamualaikum :)
hai. hmm my last post about UM kann. sedyh juga takdpt tpi aq yakin and sngt percya Allah mmberikan aq stu keputusan dan pilihn yg bijk and aq sngt yakin maybe ad hikmah disebaliknya aq pun yakin ap yg aq dpt nih sngt terbaek dripda Allah. andd yess i got Asasi Sains at UiTM Puncak Alam. maybe just UiTM but for ur info its Asasi so takd maslhnye nk bezakan kann. so a year aq akn sty struggle stress sume kt sna. and yess puasa raya sume dkt sna. aq tak thu nk describe mcmane but based on my seniors experience dorg sume kate PALAM sngt besttt. smpai die kte kalau dpt oversea tuhh better msuk PALAM. haha nmpk tak betpa seronoknya kat sana, mybe sbb environment bru lg kott. tp nama jea puncak alam tp jauh k dri bandar. sobbssss. so 2 jun nnti aq da gerk daa ke sana utk dftr. aq sngt berharap Allah permudhkan segala-galanya.
so aq ad cri skit gmbr dkt google utk pengethuan korg jea :)
Saturday, April 20, 2013
insyaAllah. Allah kau makbulkan laa :')
alhamdulillah, semoga result SPM aq tak mengecewakan aq mhupun keluarga aq utk smbung blaja. semoga harapan and doa aku untuk msu University of Malaya tercapai and termakbul walaupun aq thu sngt susahhh tp tiada yg mustahil bg mu Ya Allah. kau permudahkanlah urusan hamba. aminn :')
selamat malam,
assalamualaikum :D
syg anddd rindu maktb :')
Assalamualaikum :)
act for this post i would like to post about my experience at MRSM Gemencheh for 2 years since 2011 and 2012. alhamdulillah, i you had read my older post about my dream to continue my study at MRSM after PMR. for ur information :) Aimi sngt tak sngka act akhirnya Allah makbulkan doa Aimi utk belja di salah sebuah MRSM iaitu Gemencheh wlaupun hakiktnya mmg tk pernh dngr punn Gemencheh kt mne. haha.
Alhmdulillah, msuk bulan Feb tak silp thun 2011. mmg aq tkd experience lgsung psl ostel life. so bile dpt asrama ni mmg excited sngt. tp secara jujurnyaa Aimi sngt risau if tk dpt nk adapt the situasion because b4 this skola whole girls and outsider. tapi Aimi ykin Aimi bole berdikari. yeahhhh. hari pendftran my parents and brother along hntr Aimi. and masuk dewan daftar byr kopersi sume bgai dpt rumah sukan dorm kelas. then kitaorg pun g laaa asrama, punya laaa berpusing yelaaa budaq baru masuk kann. haha. msuk bilik then ad 3 org akq senior kaq misu, kaq syikin and kaq ardha :) and 2 org budaq form 3 husna and rabi :) masuk jea dpt katil no 8 depn pintu kott. perghh terima jelaa. haha
after kemas sume mak ayh and abg nk balek. and mulaaa laaa peluk cium sume. weyhhh spe yg tak nanges kott budaq tak pernah duduk asrama nih nk kena tingglkan rumah and family.. huwaaaa. hahaha. tp arytuh jea. bile mak ayh da balek, aq open minded engt aq dtg sini nk belajarrr :) and hingga laa 2 org f4 msuk. both budaq baru. tyra and teha. sorg tinggi sorg kecik :) hahahaha. kitaorg pun stu dorm kenal antara satu sama laen. kenal perangai masing2. okayy kalau nk aq describe one by one. mula dri ktil 1, kaq syikin. die seorg yg rajen pandai bio. mmg pandai laa. skrg da ad kt MSU daa :') second kaq ardha die ni okayy laa ikut mood. skrg da ad kt UITM. ktil ketiga tyra hahaha. budaq nih mmg selalu homesick nk balek laa nangess. hee. teha pun samaaa jea. katil ke5 kaq misu seorg yg struggle bngun pg2 kejut aq and pandai addmth, skrg kt UTP fast track kott :) ktil 6 and 7 budaq form 3 yg takthu ap2 lg i mean kecik lg laa tkthu bio chem phy addmth tuh ap. hahaha. then hingga laa msuk sem 2, kitaorg digemparkan kena pindah dorm ikut form. perghh bygkan dri tingkt 2 naek 3. mmg tak bnyk brg laa kan nk angkt. emm ap bole buat. terima jelaa. dpt dorm dngn most of them budaq accounts and only one dorm kt tingkt form 3 act. nk kate kan kite org mmg berkuasa ahh kt block tuh. hee. andd ttbe tringt stu peristiwa di mana aq terjtuh tertiarap kat bilik air asrama. cite die mcm nie, aq mmg biasa blek prep mlm tukr bju jea kain tk then trus g toilet buat ap yg ptut. then keluar toilet ttbe nk trun tngga kain aq trsngkut kt paip air kt situ. mmg trun trus trjtuh trtiarap ahh ckp. naseb baek ad platun and form 3 kt dlm tuh. alhamdulillah, wlaupun mmg bile jtuh tuh mmg tak bole brnfs and tak bole nk ckp pape. mcm ttbe jntung berhenti degup, aq mcm nk nanges tp terharu sbnrnya sbb ramai sngt form 3 dtg tnya aq okayyy tak. emm, blek bilik trus tlfon mak ayh and nages teramat nanges sbb tk pernh jatuh seteruk mcm tuh :')
okayy pasal dlm kelas pula okayy laa not bad. until nak abes sekolahh, b4 tuh time bufday aq 20 jul budaq2 dorm aq buat surprise konon2 nk beli kek utk aq. haha. rupanya mmg dorg berpakat ramai2 dngn budaq kelas aq skli, ehmm, ni trutmanya fieyna and fadhilah laaa nih.
dorg sngt sportingggg. thankss korg make my day and tulaa thun first kawan buat surprise utk aq :') then b4 habes skola aq engt nk bls blek dngn tmpah kek kt cikgu utk sume org.
and masuk laa thun yg sngt berdebar2. hee. SPM woii. ppe pun awl thun stil honeymoon lg kott, hee. emmm, act thun nie tkd laa sehappy last year sbb budaq yg sllu bg aq smngt iaitu Omar da pinda TGB. emm yelaa pandai kann. emm tak pelaa. bgus laa juga kott. at least bole laa aq concentrate. klau tak klau duk dlm kelas tuh msti nk tngok klas kau nk hendap kau. tapi kalau lalu dpn2 or terjumpa mmg tak pndang laa kan.. ehmm, rindu weyhh nk tngok muka kau bru bngun tidur. ehmmm :') papepon kau gudluck this year k. haaa daa smbung. thun nie mmg thun yg struggle ah kot walaupun sebulan nk SPM bru nk struggle. hee. kt sini aq tkd laa hebat mne. just mentor for Mathmode jea. alhmdulillah mthmode A+ hee. sej pon not bad A+ juga tp tkthu laa aq tk mint sej cuma maybe sbb time cikgu shahril ajr aq berlgk dngr hkiktnya kepala melayng jauh. haha jnji aq tkpernh tidur dlm sebrg subj pun okayy sbb gula2 always in my pencil case. smpai budaq2 kelas ngntuk jea bru nk cri Aimi ni haa. nk gula2. haha. its okayy. da biasa. tp mmg laa, batch kitaorg tkd laa gempak mcm last year cikgu syg tp setidknya kami ad cra tersendri yg mungkin sstngh cikgu yg merindui batch kami sbb trlalu aktif juara sana sini. hee, walaupun ad jea cikgu yg tak suka batch kami tp kami teruskan perjuangan sehingga ary SPM. bru laa sstngh cikgu bg feedback yg kitaorg da berubah. alhamdulillah. and nk habk kat korg. annual dinner kitaorg tkd laa gempak kt hotel mcm last year. sbb most family kitaorg ad yg tak mmpu and waktu panjg tngh bulan SPM kitaorg buat annual dinner kt dpn foyer psp jea tk mcm AG kt hotel laa :( takpee tupun gempak what and cikgu sume hargainyaa. thankss cikgu, sebenarnyaaa kannn, sy sngt rindukan MRSM Gemencheh sngt2 takthu knpa even cikgu kadir pun walaupun ad jea students yg tk suka beliau tp aq sngt menghormati beliau. sngt2. and also ustz Aliff too. thankss all. emm, rindunyaa kawan2 adeq juniors wktu study week sume. sorry kalau nk upload gmbr mmg tk tidur la aq sbb bnyk sngt2 kenangan kt sna and aq tk akn lupakan sbb da mtgkn aq and sehingga mnjdikan aq serg pelajar yg berwawasan yg ank yg solehah. insyaAllah. emm, 26 nih ad mjlis anugerh kt mktb tp malam. Aimi tksure g kea tak sbb malam kann lgipun mak ayh bru blek dri umrah 25 tuh. emm, pape pon korg doakan laa yg terbaek utk sy. thankss ily :*
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Last 2 weeks :)
Assalamualaikum. hai good morning. Actually da lama sangat tak post some story. kemalasan + kesibukan. okayy, lets me begins the story. as you all knew last 2 weeks SPM result was announched. yeahhh, i was one of the SPM students of 2012. nervous for sure since a month b4 SPM result announched. a day b4 that, my parents were informed me that we'll going to Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur first. we should leave the house before Subuh around 5 am. then Subuh and breakfst at R&R. after settle my appointment checkup, we'll going to MRSM Gemencheh to pick up my result mybe around 3 pm. then, a night b4 that, my father ask me, 'adeq, nak pergi KL dulu kea Gemencheh'? then, i was like errgggghhhh? why must ask that now? *at that time* why not b4 this? i was just silent *membisu* i never mind either going to KL first or MRSM. but honestly who doesnt want to meet their friends after a long times no see. i thought after SPM last year. seriously i miss all my friends eventhough the boys especially my clssmates, my studymates. okayyy, then i immediately going out from my room then told my father that i will going to MRSM first. then ayah said okayyy no need to wake up early. ayah will postpone the date of your checkup. i felt calm for slept ~ After Subuh, i slept back because i was felt nervous to think about the result and all things. i wake up again at 8 am. i immediately going for shower. then *bersiap. okayyy, seriously when i was on my way to MRSM, i was felt so nervous. really really nervous. i cant say it by the words. but i still may able whatsapp with my friends who also nervous that morning. after arrived, my father parked a car in front of hall. i thought only several my friends who really excited were arrived. hahaha. act, the real announched of result at 10 am but i waited until 12 and around 12.30 am i got my result.
*untunglaaa juniors dewan da ad aircond banykk. bole tidur time assembly :P
b4 that, Encik Kadir our new HEA after Encik Abu Bakar was announched the students who excellence or in easy word who got the straight As. this year was not better than last year. we knew our batch was not excellence in academics but trust us in cocuricullar we are superb! :D then, only 20 students were announched *all common got 3.5 above in every exam. andddd my name was not announched. clearly tell that i was not one of thm. i looked at my parents and felt their frustrated. at that time, i just can prays to Allah, and say REDHA. we were lined up by the class to get our own results. then, when my turns, Ustaz Muslim asked me, 'nama'? i replied 'Aimi Zawani Aziz' if based on list name of my class, my name was second line after Toba :) then, Ustaz find my result and said '1234 blalala. then he smiled. *Apakah?? he immediately said 1 jea. i was shocked and said haaaa 1B only? waaaa, so happpyy, then said thank youuuu to him. i immediately gave my results to my parents while i make a happy face :D my parents felt happy i thought then they hugged me said congratessss. i felt want to cry. eventhough i was not in one of the straight As students but i was luckly because my parents understanding my positions.
* i just love both of you :*
then Encik Kadir make an anounchement who got straight As and 8as should going in front of office for taking a pictures as Pelajar Cemerlang. b4 that, i met juniors who always support their seniors :)
*my exdormates. miss you guys :') goodluck for this year!
friends of MRSM Gemencheh :*
*nafisah and sakinah :*
okayyy then we were going to the in front of office.only Allah know how my feeling when took the pictures with them. Alhmdulillah Ya Allah :'D
*yeahhhh, we did better eventhought not the best! :')
as you all looked at this pictures act some of them exactly memang excellent since form 1 and form 4 until form 5. most of them got straight As laa. but some of them we never expected they got 8As because b4 this they never showed their improvemnt thats me! Alhmdulillah. Allah Maha Mengetahui ap yg ditentukannya.
*Shereen-blue got straight As and Intan-pink got 8As sme goes to me :')
but, i believe the SPM result is not very important. it was just easy us to make a choose for any course at universities or college. all my friends who got the flying colours of SPM results i wish Congratulation! and those who didnt perform in their SPM, i also wish congratulation, maybe Allah have his own reasons why he plans all these. lets we say ALHMDULILLAH :')
*btw, please ignored all my grammars or anythings because i have to make the tranformation for my future likes you alls. i hope i can be the best muslimah day by the day. InsyaAllah :)
wish me luck for the future undertakings!
Aimi <3
Friday, January 25, 2013
one of the reason I ♥ MRSM GEMENCHEH
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Our Memoir of Tommoyo :')
MRSM GEMENCHEH for Batch 1995. love and heart you so muchhh. be a good person for your family, religion and Malaysia :')
Dress for Success. Muslims Style :)
by AIMAN AZLAN. a person after MAT LUTFI maybe :)
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